DEV4U has designed and created the Management Information System on Climate Action (MISCA). MISCA is a GHG Emissions Data Management System.

Here you can find all the information about the project.

The Customer

The project was commissioned to DEV4U by AESA (Agriconsulting Europe SA).

The ClimaSouth project supports climate change mitigation and adaptation in 9 South Mediterranean countries: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia.

The project was initiated in February 2013 and will be implemented over 48 months with a total budget of 5 million Euros provided by the European Union (ENP). Key stakeholders include technical government departments at operational and policy level, UNFCCC focal points, decision makers, and other stakeholders such as local government and civil society representatives. Its overall objective is to assist with the transition of partner countries towards low carbon economies and enhanced climate resilience.

The Problem

The system is designed to help line ministries track their own progress in achieving sectoral targets and facilitate the sharing of information. Ultimately, this should enhance the effectiveness and transparency of Lebanon’s Monitoring Reporting & Verification (MRV) of data on climate action. The information system has been collaboratively designed by the Lebanese Ministry of Environment (MoE), the Ministry of Energy and Water (MoEW), and the Lebanese Center for Energy Conservation (LCEC), with support from the EU-funded ClimaSouth project.

The Solution

The system is up-and-running, already connecting the line ministries, currently partners to the initiative. The system relies on an open architecture ensuring the easy customization of supporting databases. It also allows the automatic calculation of CO2 produced and avoided in order to facilitate the management of mitigation measures. It is a comprehensive and user-friendly tool, ensuring ownership of the data and quality of the information, that is flexible enough to adapt to evolving situations. Data quality is ensured throughout the workflow, by the strict separation of functions associated with the entry, verification and release of data. The management of potentially sensitive data is supported, with the system integrating such data in the calculations but not displaying them in the final outputs.

The short video, released at the COP23 in Bonn, Germany, presents a new Management & Information System for Climate Action (MISCA), being introduced in Lebanon. The system targets line ministries engaged in the implementation of the country’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), by helping to track their progress in achieving sectoral targets and by facilitating the sharing of information.

Main Credits. Cinematography : Alessandro Chiodo | Editor: Francesca Bracci | Graphics : Luca Parmegiani | Colour correction : Uliano Paolozzi Balestrini | Production Manager : Ali Ghoul | Written, produced & directed : GH Mattravers Messana.

LINK to the NEWS: Lebanese portal to share climate action data, launched at Beirut Energy Forum 2017

We show a document in which DEV4U was mentioned as a company that designed and developed the software (pag. 31 – LINK entire document | original source: LINK DTU Orbit).

GHG Emissions Data Management System - The Management Information System on Climate Action (MISCA)
(page detail)