DEV4U has developed a Monitoring and Evalution System called MESECOPS.

The Customer

The project was commissioned to DEV4U by RAAF (Regional Agency for Agriculture and Food) or ARAA (Agence Régionale pour l’Agriculture et l’Alimentation, in french language).

The establishment of the Regional Agency for Agriculture and Food (RAAF) is part of the process of making the Agricultural Policy of the Economic Community of West African States ECOWAP/CAADP operational.

RAAF is a technical body that specialises in implementation placed under the aegis of the Commissioner responsible for Agriculture, the Environment and Water Resources. It reports to the Commissioner and decision making bodies of ECOWAS.

Specifically, RAAF mission is to:

  • strengthen the technical capacity for intervention and action of the ECOWAS Department of Agriculture, Environment and Water Resources in implementing investment programs to enable the Department to fully play its regulatory role (regulation, monitoring and evaluation, etc.),
  • coordinate, in a responsible manner, the activities and fields of intervention of specialized technical institutions in the agricultural and agri-food sectors,
  • contribute to capacity building for regional and national actors in the preparation of projects and the implementation and follow-up activities.

The Problem

Monitoring and Evaluation is essential to carry out a development Program or Project of the RAAF.

Unfortunately, the monitoring and evaluation officers often do not have the appropriate tools.

The computer system must be primarily a tool for planning, monitoring, collecting, processing and producing relevant information to evaluate the outcomes and impact of the development project or program.

The Solution

DEV4U has developed a Monitoring and Evalution System called MESECOPS.

The MESECOPS system helps to manage the lifecycle projects and programs of RAAF (helping in the management of “Calls for proposals“, “Calls for tenders“, “Results for Calls“, etc.).

It consists of different modules.

  • Evaluation (Logical Framework, Reference Indicators, Projects Evaluation);
  • Monitoring (Annual Budgeted Work Plan, Documents, Capitalization, Recommendation);
  • Specials (Calls for Proposal, Procurement, Finance);
  • Projects;
  • Administration (Operators managements);
  • Look-up tables (Countries, Partners, Call for Proposal Experts, GPLL Category, Expert and Suppliers Expertize, Documents Keywords, Origin, Theme).


Institutional video: what is RAAF‘s mission: